Can cats eat Cornish hens?

Can cats eat Cornish hens

There are a lot of myths about “can cat eat cornish hens.” Some people say it’s completely fine for cats to eat cornish hens. While others argue it’s not. But what is the truth? Can cats eat cornish hens? 

The answer is pretty obvious. It’s favorable for both the parties mentioned above. Yes, cats can eat cornish hens. But it depends on what type of cat you have. While some cats can eat cornish hens without any trouble, others find it hard and have digestive issues and health problems after eating them. 

In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know about whether can cat eats cornish hens.

What is Cornish hen?

First of all, let’s start by identifying what exactly is a cornish hen. Cornish hens are a chicken breed that’s very popular in the United States. They are smaller in size than regular chickens. However, they are more delicious than them. 

Most often, Cornish hens are eaten by roasting them at night parties. They are pretty simple to cook and don’t take much time to roast. Another fact about it is that it doesn’t require any unique ingredients to boil. You can just use salt and pepper and have a delicious roasted cornish hen in less than 30 minutes. 

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Can cats have cornish hens?

As we discussed at the very beginning of the blog post, it depends on the type of cat you have. However, the short answer to this question is yes, cats eat cornish hens. But, there are some essential facts to keep in mind when feeding your cat with cornish hens. 

1.The first step in finding if cornish hens are suitable for your cat is to ask your veterinarian. 

In general, a lot of cats can eat cornish hens without having any trouble. However, it’s always better to check up with your veterinarian to guarantee that cornish hens are for your cat. Maybe your cat has some conditions or medications that are not good for eating cornish hens. Accordingly, don’t hesitate to ask your veterinarian if it’s suitable for your cat. 

2. The next step is to feed your cat with white meat. 

Once you have checked up with your veterinarian and if he recommends it’s okay for your cat to eat cornish hens, you can now stop worrying about feeding your cat with cornish hens. But cornish hens come with two different colors of meat: dark meat and white meat. The best option among these two types is to feed your cat with white meat. Dark meat comes with many fatty and greasy substances that are difficult to digest. Therefore feeding your cat with white meat would be the best option. Moreover, it’s also palatable for your cat.  

3. Also, make sure to avoid bones in preparation. 

Cats’ digestive system is designed in a way that’s difficult for them to digest bones. Therefore make sure to remove the bones of cornish hens before giving them to your cat. 

4. Don’t overfeed them. 

As with all other food, overfeeding them can cause a lot of problems. The main problem of overfeeding cornish hens is obesity. Being a victim of obesity can lead to many other health problems that can even be fatal. So, feed your cat with no more than one or two portions of cornish hens. 

5. Keep on alert and look if your cat gets any allergies. 

You need to stay alert whenever you are feeding your cat new foods. Doing so will help you identify any allergies and can help you prevent other diseases. Sneezing, vomiting, and excessive scratching are some of the main allergies. Therefore keep an eye out and consult your veterinarian if you start seeing these allergies. 

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Is it safe for cats to eat cornish hens?- Can cats eat Cornish hens?

According to the above facts, you can understand that feeding your cats with cornish hens is completely fine. Can cats eat cornish hens regularly? No, problems arise when you start feeding your cats with cornish hens regularly. Therefore always make sure to provide moderate amounts. 

What do cornish hens eat, and how can I feed cornish hens at home?

Most commercially raised cornish hens are fed with pellets. However, if you are willing to raise cornish hens in your home, it’s ok to provide them with a natural diet. You may include ingredients like oats, wheat, cons, and different grains in the meal. Moreover, you can also add crickets and mealworms as an additional supplement.

Speaking about how much you should feed your cornish hens, it depends on their age and their activity. If your cornish hens are still in the early age of growing, you should provide them with more food than when they are adults. Additionally, active cornish hens will probably need a lot of food compared to the less active ones. 

Generally, about 1/4 to 1/2 cups of food would be enough for a cornish hen regularly. Moreover, you will also need to provide access to water 24/7. Make sure the water is clean and does not contain any bacteria. Also, clean and replace the water every day. 

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Benefits for cats by eating cornish hens

There are several benefits to cats by eating cornish hens. The main benefits include,

1.They are a good source of nutrients. 

Cornish hens enrich a lot of proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Some example for them includes phosphorous, vitamin B6, and nicotine. Moreover, they also do not contain many fats, making them one of the best sources of nutrients for cats. 

2. Cornish hens can keep your cat healthy.

All cats need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. If you are someone with an overweight cat, you will have trouble providing nutritious food. On such occasions, you can feed your cat with cornish hens to make it healthy, avoid obesity and reduce the risk for problems like diabetes and heart disease. 

3. They are tasty and easy to digest. 

A lot of cats love to eat cornish hens. They are delicious and easily digestible. Meaning you can provide cornish hens without having any trouble. 

4. You can feed cornish hens after cooking or just raw. 

If you are lazy to cook, raw cornish hens would be an excellent choice for you to feed your cat. However, you should consider buying cornish hens from a reputable store and wash them well before feeding your cat. As mentioned above, if you cook cornish hens for your cats, make sure to avoid bones and dark skin. 


Can cats eat cornish hens? Yes, cats can eat cornish hens. They are a great source of proteins, vitamins, and minerals for cats. Moreover, you can even provide cornish hens after cooking or raw. However, you should remember not to overfeed your cats with cornish hens. It will cause a lot of health problems for your cat. But if you are feeding cornish hens in moderate amounts, your cat will have a delicious meal and many health benefits. 


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